"I started with Coach Alyssa about 9 months ago and she has been an amazing resource and coach for me on my powerlifting journey.

While working with her my strength and muscle endurance went up exponentially, I am now doing weight that I typically needed wrist wraps or belts for on a regular basis with no equipment. The programming is very creative and no way I could’ve come up with it on my own. At the same time she is willing to tweak the programming for you if you want to try something new or if a certain exercise is giving you trouble. Either way she’ll make sure that you’re needs are met while staying on track with the goals she has set.

The knowledge and understanding Alyssa brings to the table is unmatched. She is a caring and compassionate person working with her is genuine and collaborative. You’re not one of however many people she happens to be training. You are working together to reach the goals you’ve set and she is there to assist and coach you to ensure that happens. Signing up with Lady beef is the best decision I could’ve made for my powerlifting journey. I would recommend her and her team every single time, I genuinely don’t think there’s a better person or coach out there."


"I have been working with Coach Alyssa for almost a year and what an experience that year has been. When I first started looking for a coach I was looking for someone with education, application, and reputation and Alyssa checked all 3 of those boxes. She took me in as a beginner and taught me all of the foundations of the big 3 lifts. The confidence, knowledge, and strength I’ve gained is amazing. Where Alyssa excels is in that she loves to teach, she breaks down what you need in a step by step process focusing on building from the foundation up. Alyssa even stayed by my side, helping guide me through an injury that took 6 months to rehab. Not only did she stay by my side, but she was so accommodating and paid equal attention to me as an injured athlete as she did when we were making significant strength gains. Alyssa and I live in different time zones but that hasn’t distanced the coach to athlete connection one bit, if anything I talk to Alyssa more than I talk to some of my close friends. If you want coach who cares, listens, competes, and knows what they’re talking about then look no further."


"Alyssa is an absolutely amazing coach! I’m not just saying that because of my bias , but she truly has cared and guided me in training. It’s been about two years of her coaching me, and before her I was plateauing in my lifts. However, since working with her, she has made adjustments and given advice that has completed changed the lifting game for me. For example, my squat has gone up 40lbs with working with her!  She is attentive to all my specific needs that I need met and is flexible with my schedule. She is also very knowledgeable and knows what works best with my body in training. For her, I am completely grateful for her unlocking my potential!"


"I've been working with Coach Alyssa Parten for just about a year now, and I can barely even start to explain how amazing that year has been! I have a chronic hip issue, I've been dealing with it for years, and Alyssa always makes sure that the training I'm doing is smart about those issues. Her training cycles are always well thought out and keep me athletic, even as a powerlifter. Through the past year of training with Alyssa, I have improved my total by over 70lbs, set 6 USAPL state records, and had the opportunity to compete at the Arnold Sports Festival, where I placed first in my class and second overall. I attribute all of these achievements to the incredibly educated and well thought out programming from Alyssa, and of course the encouragement and support she endlessly gives. Any concerns I have, or uncertainty I face, she is always there to reassure me and pick me back up. Her communication skills are second to none and her feedback is always meaningful and easy to understand. Even when facing rough training days, she is supportive and always lifting her athletes up. She was able to handle and coach me at the 2019 Raw Nationals and it was amazing to have someone there supporting me and just as excited at every PR as I was! Although she wasn't able to attend the Arnold this year, she ensured that someone she trusted was there to handle me and made sure that I had plenty of copies of my warm ups and attempts. She was even the first to call and congratulate me as soon as I stepped off the platform. Beginning training with Alyssa was the best decision I have ever made for my powerlifting career, and I am so incredibly excited to see where my training future with her leads."


"Over the last year of training with Alyssa, I have become the strongest and most athletic I have ever been. Alyssa’s knowledge, expertise and passion for fitness is unmatched. Powerlifting was a whole new style of training for me and Alyssa walked me through it every step of the way. She broke down my movement mechanics to a basic level and was able to make small tweaks that made huge improvements in my overall strength and mobility. Her program was easy to follow and she was available to answer any questions I had along the way. It’s been a blast working with her and all the Ladybeef athletes. I’m looking forward to continuing my journey with her beyond this amazing sponsorship."


"​LOVE her being my trainer. She answers my dumb questions without making me feel dumb. She’s excellent at explaining the “why” behind the sciense. She’ll keep you fully updated and informed every step of the way, and her programs WORK. Whether online or in person, she’s best personal trainer around."


"Alyssa has been my online trainer for the last six months and I couldn’t be more pleased with my experience and results. She also programs my nutrition which I feel has made a huge difference in my progress and energy level. I’m not on a “diet” and I’m never hungry. I truly enjoy the workouts that I’m doing and always feel challenged."

"Alyssa, aka COACH, is a phenomenal coach! I attempted to program my own workouts for years just to end up injured and not gaining the muscle I wanted. In my first six weeks, Alyssa had programmed macros and a routine that helped me lose the weight that I was struggling with while gaining a physique I was wanting. Cycle after cycle I have hit PRs, stayed healthy, and received thoughtful encouragement from Alyssa every week. She also puts up with my thousands of left field questions and adjusts on the fly to my random schedule changes. Truly a great coach, resource, and most of all, friend!"


"Alyssa takes care of her clients in a way I’ve never experienced. Besides a weekly check in, she’s quick to respond to questions about training during the week and always makes sure her clients feel confident about what they’re doing. However, what stands out the most about Alyssa is how she listens to her clients. I have old injuries that don’t allow for some exercises and know my body better than most when it comes to how it responds to training so Alyssa and I are constantly having to tweak my program. She not only takes my injuries into consideration but she truly understands and encourages my strong sense of body awareness. Alyssa is the first coach I’ve worked with that doesn’t make me feel like I’m being “weak” by expressing any movements that don’t feel right. I could write a 25 page paper on how incredible she is. I could never see myself working with somebody else as my coach and I would recommend her to anybody. Not to mention she helps me obtain the results I want!"


"Gosh, where do I start?? I had a powerlifting coach before Alyssa. I thought they were fantastic for the most part. Then.. I hired Alyssa. Safe to say she BLEW my expectations out of the water. From the in-depth video feedback and review on my lifts, to the support and encouragement, and even just talking to me about things going on in my life that were affecting my training.. She covered it all and more. My training was challenging but doable, I always saw progression, and I never doubted that I wasn't doing exactly what I needed to be doing to move the needle forward. She is intelligent, communicative, and just an all-around fun person to work with. I will never hire another coach to take of me again!!! Sorry, Alyssa, you are stuck with me."



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